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Events >

Jobs, Housing, and Hack Night

Need a job? Check out Remix - web-based platform that helps transit planners make smarter decisions. They're working with 60+ cities including Oakland, Baltimore, Seattle, San Antonio, Miami, Calgary, and Melbourne. All in less than a year… and they’re hiring for a variety of roles:

Need a place to live? Jodie Madeiros from the SF Housing Action Coalition comes to explain the details about housing in part 2 of her multi-part housing-in-SF series.

Want to help SF? As always, come to hack on a project, whether you know how to code or not… there’s plenty to do. More info below:
Join our weekly hack (hacking = building) night focused on open government and civic tech in San Francisco. 


• Contribute to the betterment of San Francisco

• Build your own portfolio of work or work on someone else's cool project

• Meet new (and different!) people

If you're new please read through the <a href="">list of current projects</a> and let us know if anything catches your eye.


For more info -

• website:

• GitHub:

• project info:

• discussions: Google Group, IRC Freenode channel (#sfbrigade, #codeforamerica)

Contact the meetup organizers if you have questions or email the core team.

6:30 PM, Wednesday, December 2, 2015