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Events >

Combo Event! Engaging the Homeless & Intro to Accessibility

Homelessness in SF

David Beall ( and Paul Boden (nationally-known homeless advocate) will be offering engaging thoughts on the history and current political status of homelessness. Learn about how to best engage the homeless!

Intro to Accessibility

Wendy Moltrup (Accessibility Strategist) and CfSF Community Lead Julio Feliciano will do "accessibility lab exercises". Simulate what it's like to be disabled and use apps/web sites. Learn what the difference is between a great website for everyone!

</a>Interested in helping San Francisco? Excellent! </p>

Whether or not you know how to code, you can help! Join our weekly hack (hacking = building) night focused on open government and civic tech in San Francisco.

• Contribute to the betterment of San Francisco

• Build your own portfolio of work or work on someone else's cool project

• Meet new (and different!) people

If you're new please read through the <a href="">list of current projects</a> and let us know if anything catches your eye.


For more info -

• website:

• GitHub:

• project info:

• discussions: Google Group, IRC Freenode channel (#sfbrigade, #codeforamerica)

Contact the meetup organizers if you have questions or email the core team.

6:30 PM, Wednesday, May 20, 2015